Myofunctional Treatment

Myofunctional Treatment



What is Myobrace?

Myobrace System™ is a no-braces approach toimprove dental and facial development.

 The treatment process not only straightens teeth but addresses the poor oral habits (known asmyofunctional habits) that are the real, underlying causes of crowded teeth and incorrect jaw development.

Why does your child need Myobrace?

From 2-5 years of age, children are growing most rapidly and can show signs of an incorrect bite and misaligned first teeth.

Modern research has shown that crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and other orthodontic problems are not caused by big teeth in small jaws or hereditary factors. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking –known as incorrect myofunctional habits are the real causes. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture also contribute to incorrect cranio-facial and jaw development – resulting in orthodontic problems.


Just getting braces, with or without extractions, does not address the underlying causes of crowded teeth. This is why once the braces are removed, the teeth usually crowd up again, unless poor oral habits are corrected. This is why treatment with braces alone commonly results in the need for life-long retainers.

Early myofunctional treatment with Myobrace can prevent the need for complex orthodontic treatment and teeth extraction when the permanent teeth are all present at ages 12-14 years.

How does Myobrace treatment work?

Treatment involves a series of removable dental appliances-Myobrace which are worn daily for 1-2 hours each day and overnight while sleeping.

Use of the Myobrace combined with structured Myobrace Activities™ aims in obtaining correct nose breathing, retraining the oral-facial musculature and assisting in guiding the erupting teeth.

These improved functions will then lead to optimal facial growth, naturally straight teeth and healthier smile.

Treatment objectives:

  • Training patient to breathe through the nose which is essential for proper cranio-facial development and general health and well-being. 
  • Training the tongue to sit in the correct position for correct jaws growth
  • Correcting swallowing patterns to allow for front teeth to develop correctly
  • Imparting light forces to expand the jaws and straighten teeth.

How long does treatment generally take?

Treatment time differ depending on the biological adaptability of each patient, and so it is important to speak with your dentist to discuss the time treatment may take.

Generally monthly visits are recommended for the first 6 to 8 months of treatment. Patients will be required to make monthly appointments for the first year of treatment. Subsequently, depending on the progress, appointments will be scheduled accordingly.

 Will it work for me or my child?

This works best for patients who are still growing, around the ages of 5 to 15. Effective treatment can be done outside of these ages, but habits become harder to correct in older patients. Start early for best results.

If you have a child with misaligned teeth/bite/ mouth breathing issues, please contact us at (+65) 6653 2612 for further information and assistance. Our dedicated doctors at DP Dental are trained and certified in Myofunctional treatment to help your child prevent or resolve Orthodontic issues.