CEREC Omnicam

CEREC AC with Omnicam – The First Full-Colour 3D Intraoral Camera

CEREC Omnicam, launched on 16 August 2012 in Las Vegas, is the first full-colour 3D intraoral camera.

Our ISCD (International Society of Computerized Dentistry) certified trainers, Dr. Yue Weng Cheu, Dr. Loh Ee Tyug and Dr. Jolene Lau are raving over this groundbreaking technology. We are among the first three clinics in Singapore to acquire this technology.


If a picture says a thousand words, a VIDEO says a million

Unlike its predecessors which are the CEREC Redcam and Bluecam which take 2D pictures of different angles of your teeth and stitch together a 3D image, the Omnicam is truly revolutionary in that it takes a digital VIDEO of your teeth and converts that into a 3D model.

The intraoral video camera marks a significant advancement over the CEREC’s previous image capture devices, providing fast capture of full arches and opposing dentition in full-color 3D video that allows continuous capture of the oral cavity. The unit requires no powder and allows users to differentiate among different materials: natural tooth, soft tissue, amalgam, gold, etc. As the camera moves over the teeth, a photorealistic image is displayed in full color with crisp clarity that marks a major advancement over previous CEREC cameras.

Our doctors are able to show you what they see when they look into your mouth- in the form of a video. Now you can see the inside of your mouth like the back of your hand too!



In-house milling machine- get your inlays, onlays and crowns fixed in one day!


Low noise levels may make MC XL quiet, but it screams speed and simplicity. Outstanding form and function come at you fast, and with good reason. MC XL performs single-tooth and quadrant restorations directly chairside, and in just one treatment session, with a host of benefits to maximize production capabilities:

  • Superior results: Precision in the range of +/- 25 microns
  • Production: Six minutes milling time for a full–contour crown; three to four minutes for partial coverage
  • Better fit and smoother restoration surface: 7.5u milling resolution
  • Intuitive: Automatic software downloads and user-friendly display guides
  • Compatibility: LAN, WLAN and network compatible
  • Longer life: Milling chamber design and easy block clamping (no tools required)
  • Platform for future in-office CAD/CAM development