Ankylos Implant

Getting the Perfect Smile, Back

Our clinicians at DP Dental believe that dental implant is the best possible solution for missing teeth available today. To have a functioning set of teeth can greatly improve your quality of life. Not only will you be able to eat well, but also look great. When missing tooth or teeth are not replaced, your jaw bone is reabsorbed by your body, resulting in bone loss. The shrinkage of the gum and jaw bones will give rise to a premature aging appearance.

Implant therapy has been around for many years; implants can be used toreplace a single tooth, multiple missing teeth or replace teeth in cases with complete tooth loss. There is a growing demand for implants in Singapore from a spectrum of people – teens, young professionals, the middle-aged and the elderly.

The National Dental Center Singapore (NDCS) has seen a steady increase in the number of implant patients, with the number of implants placed tripling between 2005 and 2010.


What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a small titanium post which is surgically placed into the jaw bone where teeth are missing. It acts as an artificial dental root, bonding with the bone, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth (crown or denture). In addition to restoring natural appearances in the mouth, implants can:

  • Maintain face shape – unhealthy bone loss due to missing teeth can make your jaw line recede and change your facial structure. Dental implants can prevent this deterioration so your face retains its natural shape.
  • Prevent damage to your healthy teeth – unlike bridgework, which requires the grinding down of neighbouring healthy teeth to act as posts to hold the bridge, implants do not touch any other tooth. Your own natural healthy teeth are not compromised.
  • Restore natural teeth functions – because the implant teeth are firmly rooted in your jawbones, you can eat and chew all the crisp apples, sticky toffee or seedy kiwi as you wish.
  • Provide security – the securely anchored dental implants will not slip or move. This eliminates some of the key problems of dentures, including poor fit, gum irritation and pain from exposed nerves. The result is superior comfort, reliability, and freedom from embarrassment.


Uses of Implant

Single Tooth Replacement – An implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root. Unlike a conventional three-unit bridge used to replace a single tooth, the healthy adjacent teeth do not have to be modified to support the bridge.

Bridge and Partial Retention – Implants are so strong that they can be used to permanently replace your bridge. Instead of planting one titanium post for every tooth, two posts can be placed to support a few units of teeth. Further, the implant’s root also helps to better preserve the bone and keep it healthy.

Retaining or replacing dentures – Implants that are implant-supported are more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures. You will be able to bite and chew without worrying about movement or risk your denture falling out. In addition, because implant-supported dentures will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved.


Implant Procedures

Initial Consultation

A consultation appointment is necessary to see if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants and to explain the process of placing an implant. X-rays may be taken and impressions (moulds) of your teeth. A treatment plan will then be drawn up detailing all the appointments required and the cost.


How are implants placed?

You will be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area around where the Implant is being placed. For patients who are anxious sedation can be given.

  • An incision is made in the gum where the implant is going to be placed, to expose the bone; a small hole is then drilled into the jaw  bone.
  • The titanium implant screw is inserted into the bone. A protective cover or ‘healing cap’ is placed over the top of the screw. This is either left visible in the mouth, or if the implant is deep in the jaw bone the gum will be stitched over the healing cap.
  • This is left for 3 to 6 months to allow new bone to integrate with the implant allowing osseointegration to happen.
  • When the implant has securely integrated with the jaw bone the healing cap is removed. The final crown or bridge can be cemented or screwed into place or a removable overdenture can be clipped onto or supported by the implants

On occasion it may be necessary to place a temporary crown or bridge for a few months to allow the gum to heal fully before the permanent restoration can be fitted.

Looking after your Implant

Good oral hygiene and regular check-ups with the dentist and hygienist are a very important part of looking after your implants as the gums need to remain healthy. The implants can then last a lifetime.

For home care instructions, please refer to our Post-Operation page onImplant.