Examination and Diagnosis

Comprehensive Examination and Diagnosis

At DP Dental, we understand that patient’s require customized care and attention; therefore, it is our utmost priority to provide individualized treatments for every one of our patients.

During the initial Comprehensive Examination and Diagnosis, our doctors will begin with an oral assessment where we will look at the following :

  • Overall Teeth Health Condition, Alignment and Bite 
  • Original restorations (if any)  – Filling, crowns, veneers etc.
  • Health of Gums
  • Condition of Tongue, Throat, Cheeks & Lips – for any possible signs of Oral Cancer
  • Jaw-joint Evaluation – for any signs of strains; also known as Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)

Dr._YWC_consultationOPG scan

After a thorough Examination, based on our findings – the dentist will have a detailed discussion about possible treatment plan(s) with patient.

Here in DP Dental, it is encouraged that patients take Dental X-Rays to help determine any possible under-lying dental issues below the gum line or in the jaw  (e.g. Impacted teeth, Abscess, Cysts, Tumors and Bone changes – linked to some diseases). These scans and findings will serve as a baseline record that enables both our doctors and patients to track the treatment progress during subsequent visits.

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