LASER-Assisted Gum Recontouring


Many dentists refer to gums that extend too far down as a “gummy” smile. Even if a person has teeth that are straight, healthy, and symmetrical, the beauty of their smile may be diminished if the gum line is uneven or falls too far below the lip line. It can make the teeth look small and cause people to feel self-conscious about the appearance of their smiles.

‘Gum Lifting and Reshaping’ is a simple procedure to correct the “gummy smile” or uneven gum line. It requires the gums to be laser-trimmed which alters the shape and size of the tooth area, improving the overall appearance.

Laser Technology used – less bleeding, less discomfort: 


The KaVo KEY Laser 3+ not only offers high preparation speed but also the greatest possible safety in cavity preparation, periodontics, endodontics and surgical procedures such as gum re-contouring.

About the Treatment process: Patient’s mouth is numbed with local anesthetic to eliminate any discomfort. The dentist will then use a diode laser to gently cut away excess gum tissue and sculpt a more uniform, scalloped gum line. Diode lasers cauterize while they cut, which means less bleeding and a dramatically reduced chance of infection for patients. The entire gum lifting procedure can be completed in just one visit.

Laser Gum Contouring Recovery

After the gum lifting procedure, the patient may experience sore or swollen gums for up to a week. The discomfort should be minimal, however, and will not interfere with daily activities such as speaking, eating, or drinking.

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