Root Planing

Local Anesthetic Scaling & Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)

What is the difference between Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)?


Scaling and Root Planing is a special type of treatment that goes deeper below the gum line to remove contaminated debris, pus and bacteria.

In a regular cleaning, scaling is performed on the part of the tooth that is exposed above the gum line. A regular cleaning (prophylaxis) involves scaling and polishing procedures that remove plaque, tartar (calculus), and stains from the exposed areas of teeth. The scaling process scrapes away bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth.


In a deep cleaning, a combination of scaling and root planing is employed to treat early-stage periodontal (gum) disease. While scaling can only remove dental tartar from the surfaces of the teeth, root planing smoothens the root surfaces and remove any infected tooth structure so that the gum can reattach firmly to the spotlessly clean root surface; otherwise, further development of periodontal disease will result in bone loss, root decay, and eventually tooth loss.

If you have gum disease or gum pocketing, the gum pockets around the teeth will have deepened, thereby allowing tartar deposits to form under the gum-line.

Although deep cleaning is effective at removing plaque buildup, it does not eliminate all the bacteria that cause gum disease. When necessary, treatment may also include LASER-assisted Gum Treatment to effectively disinfect the pockets between the gum and the tooth root to remove bacteria.


What are the benefits of Scaling and Root Planing?

  • Control the growth of harmful bacteria
  • Help gums or pocket wall reattach firmly to the spotlessly clean root surface to help prevent tooth loss
  • Prevent further bleeding of the gums
  • Reduces gum swelling and discomfort
  • Decrease tooth sensitivity due to gum recession
  • Prevent bone loss due to gum disease


Will there be any discomfort?

Depending on the depth of the pocket and severity of the root surface irregularity, our Dentist(s)/ Oral Health Hygienist may administer anaesthesia to numb the area so that the treatment is comfortable patients with such concerns. The only sensation may be felt after the anesthesia will be the ‘physical scraping’ along the teeth as the area is cleaned and smoothened.

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