Digital X-Ray

Digital Radiography and Low Radiation Dental Care

We use one of the latest digital X-ray system – SIRONA ORTHOPHOS XG 3D and VISTASCAN for clear and rapid investigation for single tooth or full mouth format using minimum dose of radiation.

Dental X-rays are useful diagnostic tools when helping dentists detect damage and disease not visible during a regular dental exam. Dental X-ray exams are safe; however, they do require very low levels of radiation exposure, which makes the risk of potentially harmful effects very small. Dental X-ray tools and techniques are designed to limit the body’s exposure to radiation and every precaution is taken to ensure that radiation exposure is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (the ALARA principle).

A digital x-ray allows the dentist to take an image of the tooth or teeth and put it into an imaging program. Within this imaging program, there are a number of tools that will allow the dentist to take a very close look at the teeth and surrounding structures with amazing accuracy. As a benefit to the patient, the digital x-ray also provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray. This is due to the fact that the digital version of the x-ray is much more sensitive to this radiation and has been specifically designed with the patient in mind.

3D Cone Beam Imaging Technology – The Next Generation of Dental X-rays

3D X-ray

Cone beam imaging is one of the most important breakthroughs in dental radiology, and has proven effective for a wide range of care and treatment applications. Commonly known as 3D X-ray, cone beam imaging allows our doctors to see bone thickness, jaw structures, tooth relationships and root canal anatomy. They are becoming the standard of care for implant surgerysince it shows the relationship between the available bone and major structures such as nerves and sinuses. It’s indispensable for making sure that a dental implant does not impinge on the nerve that controls the lower lip. It can also help find some hidden bone around the sinuses allowing for placement without doing expensive bone grafts. In orthodontics, the relationship between the upper and lower jaw in conjunction with the rest of the skull can be determined readily with these x-rays. The3D view can aid a dentist in search for an elusive root canal or an extremely curved root.


How much radiation will I be exposed to during X-rays?

With the technological advances in dental X-rays in recent years, the exposure of localized or full-mouth digital X-ray has been reduced to that of normal cosmic exposure. I.e, if you fly from Singapore to HongKong, the amount of radiation you experience will be the same as that of a full-mouth X-ray.

What if another dentist has already taken X-rays for me?

Please bring a clear print or digital copy from the other dental clinic, most clinics will provide you with a copy upon request. We may not need new X-rays or we may only need to take partial X-rays to bring you up-to-date.

Can I take X-rays when I’m pregnant?

Congratulations on the new member-to-be in your family! If you know you are pregnant, or in the midst of some family-planning, do let our doctors know of your plans. Even though the radiation dosages are very minimal, the doctors at our clinic do not take X-rays for any pregnant mothers.

Can I have a copy of my X-ray?

Absolutely! Just let your doctor know that you wish to have a copy of your X-rays and we will gladly email a digital version to your email.